High KV Vs Low KV Motors: Which to Choose

It is probable that you have come across the ideas of the motor pole and motor KV. You may create a drone, remote-controlled car, or any other device. It employs a smokeless DC (BLDC) motor.

Both of these variables are helpful for describing your motor and determining how well it will function.

So, high kv vs low kv motors?

The continual acceleration of a motor is denoted by “KV.” The number of rotations per minute is used to measure it (rpm). Kv gives you a sense of the torque that may be anticipated from a certain motor. A high KV motor will give you less torque and a low one will give you more torque.

Still interested in finding out more details about these motors? Join us for a thorough analysis.

Let’s go forward

High KV and Low KV Motors: Quick Comparison

At first, you can feel overwhelmed by the wealth of information available on high KV motors and low KV motors. I have thus made a table that briefly summarizes all the variances in order to make things easy for you.

ParticularsHigh KV MotorLow KV Motor
SmoothnessMore smoothLess smooth
Battery450 – 850 mAh350 – 450 mAh
Power DeliveryInstantlyDelays

Let’s go into the specifics now that you are aware of some of the fundamental elements of the high KV and low KV motors.

High KV and Low KV Motors: Detailed Comparison

Both the high KV and low KV motors seem to be the same at first look. However, when you look more closely, you can distinguish between the two. So it’s crucial to understand the finer points while selecting the right motor.


To the best of our understanding, if the amperage remains constant, lesser voltage results in less power. Therefore, lesser kilovolts result in reduced torque, rpm, or both.

The definition of a watt is one-volt times one amp, and a kilowatt that’s one thousand watts. This equates to around 1.340 horsepower.

High KV Motors

These two factors affect torque. The broader and higher they are, the more torque the motor can produce. The propeller may evolve more quickly on motors with higher Kv ratings.

As a result, individuals with lower Kv ratings won’t be able to perform it as quickly. But its torque will be greater. It is recommended to pair bigger propellers with lower Kv motors for this same reason.

Higher RPM will increase the efficiency of higher Kv motors at the expense of torque. To put it succinctly and simply. Higher Kv motors require more current than lower Kv motors do in order to produce the same amount of torque.

Low KV Motors

When discussing the Kv of a motor, it’s important to note that Kv and torque are interdependent. Kv will enable us to determine how much current the motor will need. Which is to operate at a given torque level.

To put it simply, the torque, Kt, is a constant inverse of the voltage. Kv The smaller Kt is, the greater Kv is. Kv, torque, and current are all interconnected.

Because they need less current to spin a bigger prop. Motors having lower Kv have greater torque (Kt). But their efficiency declines as RPM rises.

Conversely, bigger props need a greater current to be rotated by motors with higher Kv. But their efficiency rises as RPM rises.

The Smoothness

Smoothness of a KV motor depends on which sensor you are using. But it is a general idea only. It also varies from motor to motor in various ways.

High KV Motors

The sensors which are smooth and friendly need a high amount of voltage. High KV motors also require high voltage. As a result, you can use both at a time without any contradiction.

As well as high KV motors support the upgraded sensors. That’s why a high KV motor’s output is much smoother.

Low KV Motors

Low KV motors require low voltage. As a result, they don’t support upgraded sensors which are smoother. If you forcefully use different sensors, then it will bring nothing but difficulties.


As different motors require different voltages, their batteries are also different.

High KV Motors

Generally high KV motors require a 450 – 850 mAh battery. You can use a LiPo battery. This is the most popular and efficient one.

Low KV Motors

Low KV motors require a 350 – 450 mAh battery. You should use a LiPo battery for this as well.

Power Delivery

KV stands for the rate of rotation of the motor for each volt supplied to the motor. The intriguing part begins here. Power is determined by a derivative of Ohm’s law: Voltage times current.

Again for the two motors indicated above. In an ideal world with no heat lost or minimally different ones, a 50% increase in voltage. For a given power output would result in a 33% reduction in the amount of current needed.

As a result, the ESC will be under LESS load. And there will be less demand placed on thick gauge cables and battery C ratings. Or for fixed battery C ratings, less voltage sag while operating at full speed.

All of these benefits have been painfully addressed. When 5-inch quadri switched between 4s to 6s with an equal decrease in motor kV.

High KV Motors

High KV motors consume high voltage for a short period of time. That’s why it delivers power instantly. For instance, if a 2300Kv motor was powered by 4s (14.8V).

Its maximum rotational speed would be around 2300×14.8=34040RPM. In order to make it simpler. We left out a few elements that would only be of interest to nerds. 

Low KV Motors

On the other hand, the low KV motor’s perspective is totally opposite. That is why its power delivery system is comparatively slow.

Which One You Should Go for

High KV motor is far better than a low KV motor. We can easily say that according to the discussion. But you should not choose the high KV motors always.

You have to choose a motor that works with your system. You must consider this important motor feature (batteries, ESC, car).


Here are some of the common queries people ask on today’s topic-

Do Greater KV Values Speed?

The kV rating, not the kilo-volt, is the motor’s RPM when there is no load. Higher kV motors will have greater top-end speeds but less torque. A lower kV motor will have greater power and accelerate more quickly.

Is a Lower Kv More Productive?

Yes, it is efficient. Lower KV high voltage is more efficient since it requires less current to achieve the same RPMS. Heat increases with current. We have the high voltage AC electric lines. Because less current is required to provide a given amount of electricity at a higher voltage.

What is the Speed of a 3300KV Motor?

50 mph. Along with a 3300KV brushless 540 motor, a 3500mAh 15c LIPO battery. And 60A LiPO compatible brushless electric speed controller. These components are included. This offers better accuracy. It completely overwhelms you at speeds of up to 50 miles per hour.


We have come to the finish now. There are advantages and disadvantages to both the high kv vs low kv motors.

Review each of the elements once again. Then, determine again whatever motor you need.

We’ll talk shortly. Have a great day!

Chris Goforth

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