
Hey, folks! Time for a little storytime with Chris Goforth to let you all know how thercrider.com started and its future directives.

As many of you’ve already figured out from my posts, I’m a huge tech nerd. Professionally, I’m a software engineer for a local IT firm. And this blog is a way for me to share (and vent) my knowledge of remote control products with you all.

To be honest, it’s not been that long since I started thercrider.com. But I never really expected such a massive audience in such a short period either. Guess when you finally start doing what you’ve loved all along, it always pays off, huh?

As much as I love my day job, I really like researching and experimenting with various products for this blog as well.

But for now – my goal is to keep the content of thercrider.com consistent and accurate – so that visitors can get 24/7 access to useful info regarding their remote control toys and games.

And in the future, slowly but steadily, I’ll try to enrich this blog even more with the help of diversified content in different enigmatic fields. Till then, I only hope you’ll stay with thercrider.com and continue to support us for further growth!

Why Thercrider.com?

thercrider.com contains the basic solutions for common remote control product breakdowns in the market. Get a hold of all the do’s & don’ts of RC toys & instruments in a single place! Here are the three key promoting factors of thercrider.com –

  1. innovative solutions
  2. high-end technical support
  3. guidelines on custom remote control products

Future Plans For thercrider.com

thercrider.com is my brainchild regarding remote control products. In the future, I’d like to see it get turned into a safe haven for dedicated remote control enthusiasts such as myself. Currently, the blog broadly covers remotely controllable toy products only. However, in the upcoming times, I’d like for thercrider.com to step into the following RC sub-niches as well –

Medical Electronics

This is going to be a huge step up if it comes true. I plan to work with professional biomedical engineers in the future and curate an exclusive section for remote-controlled electronics in the medical and surgical fields.

Audio Electronics

You can already find devoted articles on hands-free wired networks and products in our blog. I plan to dive even deeper into the world of technology to include the latest (& greatest) info about RC audio electronics in the existing blog.

Technical Support Board

Our blog currently covers many articles on how to fix the technical problems of different types of remote-controlled products such as toy cars, helicopters, etc. And we’re already slowly moving on to the automobile niche as well and including solutions for automatic stereo speakers in vehicles.

In the future, I want to create a sustainable support board for technical issues to help out our readers. Readers will be able to directly contact us regarding various systematic issues. Our support staff, on the other hand, will use their expertise to help them solve the problems.