How To Fix Common Spektrum DX7s Problems

The Spektrum DX7s caught RC enthusiasts’ eyes when it first hit the market. It was a modern take on the iconic Spektrum DX7, which solved many of its predecessor’s problems. Built-in telemetry was the biggest addition to its arsenal as it allows users to keep track of the vitals when the RC plane flies.

But that does not mean that the Spektrum DX7s is an error-free unit. When browsing the forums, you will stumble upon some common Spektrum DX7s problems. If you happen to own a Spektrum DX7s and have some complaints on your own, you might find the solution going through the rest of this article.

Common Spektrum DX7s Problems: Potential Fixes

ProblemsTroubleshooting Guideline
The Unit Won’t Turn OnReplace the batteries. If that doesn’t work, replace the chargers. Check the battery slot and the display.
Firmware Update Won’t InstallFormat the SD card or try using a new SD card.
Transmitter Loses SignalCheck the battery port and the battery. Make sure the antenna is not damaged.
Unstable ControlRebind the transmitter with the receiver.
Signal InterferenceKeep electronics and cell phones away from the transmitter. Try switching to different channels.
The Aircraft Keeps On Going To Failsafe ModeMake sure the receiver antenna is working properly. Move the main and remote receivers, so they are at least two inches from each other.
Can’t Bind With The ReceiverMaintain adequate distance between the transmitter and the receiver. Stay away from large metal bodies.

Common Spektrum DX7s Problems And Fixes

1. The Unit Won’t Turn On

Your Spektrum DX7s might not switch on after you press the power button. Try charging it; if the battery charges, it’s unlikely to be a charging issue. If the unit is irresponsive, it could either be a charger, battery issue, or both! The display might also be malfunctioning. The display might be gone if you feel the transmitter vibrating after pressing the power button.


The first thing you should do is try a fresh pack of batteries. If the problem persists, check the battery port. If you see signs of damage, the unit might not get power from the batteries. So, you need that fixed. You should also try a different charger. Inspect the charging pin and make sure it’s not broken. If the charger lights turn on, you can rule out a charger problem. 

The display might be the culprit if you notice a slight hum and feel the transmitter vibrating. The unit could turn on, but you can’t see anything on the screen since the display is out. If the aircraft responds to your commands after you press some buttons, you will have to replace your display.

2. Firmware Update Won’t Install

You want to upgrade to the latest firmware version, so you download the update to the SD card and transfer it to the device. But when you try to install it, the installation notification keeps showing for a long time and eventually fails. You try to install the update several times, but the installation aborts every single time.


The old memory card might have become corrupted, so try formatting it first. And then try to install the update. If you keep on failing, change the memory card altogether. You should be able to install the update without any problems after doing so. 

3. Transmitter Loses Signal

If the transmitter has been losing signal repeatedly, it could be because of the low battery level of the transmitter. If the unit fails to draw sufficient power from the battery, its performance will hamper and weaken the signal transmission. The antenna could also be compromised or in a disadvantageous position.


Check the battery’s health and recharge the battery. If you are still having signal problems, check the battery port. If the signal issue persists, you should check the antenna. 

4. Unstable Control

The aircraft might not respond to the transmitter’s instructions immediately. In some cases, a matter of seconds could lead to crashes. So, you have to ensure smooth control. 


The likeliest reason for this could be improper binding. So, bind the transmitter with the receiver again. The controls should be responsive afterward. Have a look at the trim and sub-trim settings as well. If they are not set right, the flight control will get more erratic. Finally, check both the receiver and the transmitter for damaged or loose parts. 

5. Signal Interference

Signal interference is a common nuisance for RC transmitters. Electromagnetic waves coming from cell towers, electronics, motors, and other sources could interfere with signal transmission. 


Keep your phones and other electronics away. You can also try to minimize interference by switching to different channels. 

6. The Aircraft Keeps On Moving To Failsafe Mode

Even though the transmitter seems to be working fine, the aircraft keeps on moving to the failsafe mode all of a sudden. The aircraft is well within the 2.2 miles range of the transmitter, and you have eliminated the chance of signal interference. So, what’s going on? 


Check the distance between the main and the remote receiver. If they are more than two inches apart, they won’t be able to capture the transmission properly. As a result, the aircraft will continuously enter failsafe mode. 

7. Can’t Bind With The Receiver

Some Spektrum DX7s users have said that they could not bind their receiver with the model aircraft receiver. Without binding these two devices, you cannot establish a connection between the controller and the plane. 


The transmitter and receiver might be too close or too far away. They have to be within the range of the transmitter but no closer than eight to twelve feet apart. So, place them within an ideal distance of each other. The presence of large metal bodies can hamper the binding process, so make sure to stay away from vehicles and other metal-made objects. 

Final Words

The Spektrum DX7s is an easy-to-use transmitter that most entry-level RC enthusiasts would love using. But, the Spektrum DX7s problems are annoying enough to prompt some to look for alternatives. Hopefully, you will get to stick to your DX7s and solve the problems you have been facing by following our troubleshooting guidelines.

Chris Goforth

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